Physical Memory Dump - What Causes Beginning Dump of Physical Memory?

When you see your screen turning blue you often ask yourself, what causes the beginning dump of physical memory? Some people would just ignore it and let physical memory dump continue wasting their time. Repairing this problem at a computer shop will cost you quite a lot and will not prevent further problems. Fortunately computer experts have currently found a better way to deal with this problem by making a program that solves most of the problems. The rest of the problems are easily fixable and you will be able to do it yourself after reading this article. In the end of the article I will explain how the program works.

To find out what causes physical memory dump you need to look at your event log by opening Control Panel then go to Admin Tools and open the Event Viewer. At the event viewer you can find what actually causes physical memory dump. You can also try to remember what you have changed by the time blue screen error starts to occur. Generally the cause will be a recently added, changed or removed program or hardware. Blue screen may also occur when you are using a certain program.

Based on what you find out you can try to update or remove a recently added program or hardware. After you make the change you can use your computer as usual and see if blue screen error persists. You should also make sure that you only use certified device and programs. There are too many devices and software out there and not all of them are fully compatible with windows.

If physical memory dump still appears you need to repair your windows system registries. What are system registries? They are very important files of your windows system that control all programs and devices you use. They also record every change made in your computer. When you add or remove programs your registry will be modified accordingly but sometimes error happens. Given time this small error can cause more errors and congest your system. Windows cannot fix this automatically therefore you need registry cleaner to do the job. Registries also grow in size and will not stop growing. You also probably notice that your computer gradually runs slower, now you know why.

By using registry cleaner many people have succeeded to maintain their computer error free and therefore save their time. Some registry cleaner programs also provide privacy protection utility to filter unwanted records within your computer. You can read more about them in this site.


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