Whenever you click on the Start Menu, don't you feel irritated when all of a sudden, menus pop up so quickly that you lose track of what you're intending to view? For example, you want to click Control Panel to configure something in your computer when, much to your surprise, the submenus of the All Programs menu start to appear faster than you expected. And much to your disappointment, you lost those precious seconds finding the program that you want to open so badly. Don't waste your time and patience. Here's a guide to help you speed up menu appearance without causing problems with zero delay.
First, click Run in the Start Menu (or press the Windows logo key and R key). Type regedit and click Enter. Then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. From the list located on the right side, choose MenuShowDelay. Right click on it and choose Modify. Next, change the value to 150. This is the ideal speed setting to make menus appear quickly but not too quick that unnecessary menus appear. Finally, restart your computer and see if your tweak to speed up menu appearance without causing problems with zero delay had been successful. It takes only a few minutes to solve your Start Menu woes. What's more, you don't even need to ask help from a technician.
Like other computer tweaks, to speed up menu appearance without causing problems with zero delay involves a great deal of care. Of course, you don't want a single mistake to ruin the overall operation of your machine.
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