
How to Speed Up Menu Appearance Without Causing Problems With Zero Delay - A Quick Guide

Whenever you click on the Start Menu, don't you feel irritated when all of a sudden, menus pop up so quickly that you lose track of what you're intending to view? For example, you want to click Control Panel to configure something in your computer when, much to your surprise, the submenus of the All Programs menu start to appear faster than you expected. And much to your disappointment, you lost those precious seconds finding the program that you want to open so badly. Don't waste your time and patience. Here's a guide to help you speed up menu appearance without causing problems with zero delay.

First, click Run in the Start Menu (or press the Windows logo key and R key). Type regedit and click Enter. Then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. From the list located on the right side, choose MenuShowDelay. Right click on it and choose Modify. Next, change the value to 150. This is the ideal speed setting to make menus appear quickly but not too quick that unnecessary menus appear. Finally, restart your computer and see if your tweak to speed up menu appearance without causing problems with zero delay had been successful. It takes only a few minutes to solve your Start Menu woes. What's more, you don't even need to ask help from a technician.

Like other computer tweaks, to speed up menu appearance without causing problems with zero delay involves a great deal of care. Of course, you don't want a single mistake to ruin the overall operation of your machine.

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Free Registry Error Scan - Fix Your Computer Today

If your home computer is going through frequent software errors, sluggishness, crashes, or other annoying performance issues, then you registry could be the main source the problems in the computer. The windows registry is the part of your computer where the windows saves vital settings and information on your operating system and other software. Problems associated to invalid registry entries are very usual but luckily, there is still an easy way out in order to bring back your computer into its good condition.

After all the never ending process of installing and uninstalling software, sooner or later, your registry can build up errors. Once this happens, you will see troubles like the ones mentioned above. The good thing is, there are free registry error scan tools which can look into these problems and automatically fix them after finding the errors.

A free registry error scan will help you in finding out how many problems are buried in your registry. Within just minutes after starting the process, the free registry error scan will give an account of precisely how many errors it has found. Do not be surprised if the scan shows hundreds or thousands of errors, this is not uncommon. It could even be more if you have installed many software since you have added your first one.

What free registry error scan will tell you exactly where the problems with your registry are and how many there are. Likewise, to be able to work out those problems, you will have to use the repair section of the tool. Many registry scanners are supplemented with an integrated registry cleaner. There are times when you have to pay to be able to unlock the cleaner function of the software. These programs are reasonably priced considering the fact that a technician would usually charge over $100 for the same service.

If you are searching for a free registry error scan, being a bit picky could do you good. Choose the high profile registry cleaners that are updated regularly and are well supported. And make sure that the software is kept up to date with the most recent versions of windows and all of the updates and service packs.

One more reason to give thought to the more well-known free registry error scan tools is that they are most user-friendly. The makers of these programs have spent substantial amounts of money as well as time in order to make sure that their programs will be easy to use. Except if you are very well-knowledgeable with computers, you will be grateful for this bit of attention for the easy user experience.

Finally, whatever tool you choose, scanning and cleaning your windows registry is a good means to enhance the performance of your personal computer. The mere minutes that you will spend on scanning and fixing the problems will reward you with ten-fold of increased productivity. With the slowness, long reboots and infuriating errors gone, you will have lots of time to do other stuffs than struggling and spending so much time trying to fix your computer.

So before you give in and purchase a new computer, you must first consider doing a free registry error scan and you will speculate to why you didn't do it earlier.

Does registry fix software really work?? 97% people say YES that it improves their computers speed by 10 times.? Go to http://www.Registry-Cleaners-Exposed.com? to receive your Free Registry Error Scan to make your computer run faster and safer today!

Windows Registry - Fix Yours Today

The requirement to fix windows registry error often comes up at the least convenient time for nearly all the computer users. In most cases, the need to fix comes right in the midst of a wonderful and fast session of gaming or work.

Usually, your computer starts up almost instantly, and then all of a sudden everything is so slow. It seems that it almost takes forever just to load your much loved Windows application and even simple tasks like copying or pasting takes even longer to load. And worst, there are so many messages that are popping up on the screen.

It appears that your computer is having a windows registry problem. The registry is really your computer's own 'log book", this is where all the computer applications and processes records are saved. Plus, the configurations and settings that you have set for your computer are also stored here. Your registry was hardly loaded when you first got your computer system. And just after a few months of continuous usage, your registry is already fully loaded and almost ready to burst.

A full windows registry means a pile of troubles for your computer. As mentioned before, first, your computer's operation slows down in addition to endless pop ups that notifies you that your computer system having a registry or some other sort of error. Eventually, your computer begins to hang and finally, it crashes. If you didn't fix it early on and wait for a few more months, most probably you will be bringing your computer in a repair shop to fix the problem. Sending it to a repair shop means more expense for you.

However, once you have known the true nature of windows registry errors, fixing your computer will be very easy. And of course, there will be no need to bring your computer to any computer shops or dealers for the repair.

Fixing windows registry errors can be as simple as downloading any freeware registry cleaner. Simply install it and then run the scan. After waiting for just a few minutes or so, a list of all the records and errors will be presented to you on the screen. Just feel free to delete all the unnecessary items that you obviously don't need and they are already out of date, anyway.

On the other hand, bear in mind that it is not exactly the deleting that will make your computer run faster again. Moreover, once you made the mistake of deleting anything that is important, then reprogramming your computer might be required. Simply delete what your system suggests that you to get rid of. Once you fix your Windows registry error at the first signs of a trouble, you risk a lot less in having to send in your computer for repairs.

Always remember, a computer is a machine. Never expect it to be operating smoothly forever. Learn what you can on how to deal with system problems so you can fix your computer instantly once the need arise. Setting aside time to learn how to fix a Windows registry error really means investing in lesser everyday expenditure in the maintenance of your computer.

Are you ready to fix your windows registry quickly and easily? Do you want to have the best registry cleaner program online today? Visit http://www.Registry-Cleaners-Exposed.com?to learn which one is the best and to receive your free registry cleaner download.

Increasing Typing Speed and Accuracy With an Overlay Keyboard

The perfect typist does not exit. With even the best typist the computer spends more time waiting for the next character then it does processing the character.
Add false starts, backspacing and deleting and useful work slows down even further. Then time spent correcting bad input further cuts productivity. User boredom and or inattention to routine typing also increase errors.
Anyone who has ever written a program knows that more code goes into attempting to catch errors when they are entered then almost any other section of the code.
What is needed is a way to remove the typist as much as possible from mundane data entry.
An overlay keyboard can be the answer to many of these problems. On an overlay keyboard each key can be configured to reproduce any sequence of keys available on a standard computer keyboard. A graphic template is then created to label the keys new function.
An overlay keyboard can be used along with a standard keyboard. When circumstances allow the standard keyboard can be unplugged and the overlay keyboard can be used stand alone.
Routine data entry can be assigned to one key. When that key is pressed the data will be entered without error and at a speed much faster then any typist can hope to match. Follow on error correction is no longer necessary. User's attention is on the task they are performing and not on how to run the computer.
Another advantage of an overlay keyboard is program shortcuts that are difficult to remember can be assigned to a key for easy recall. Also functions that do not have program shortcuts assigned to them can be created and assigned to keys.
A special feature of an overlay keyboard is that a key can be configured to repeat a complicated sequence of key strokes as long as the key is depressed. The time delay between repeats can be set to allow users time to remove their finger from the key.
These are just some of the advantages of adding an overlay keyboard to any program. To learn more about overlay keyboards visit http://www.pmkidder.com/enterpad

Philip Kidder has worked with computers for over 35 years. He worked for the Defense Department as a programmer and system analyst. After leaving the government he has worked in computer sales owning his own store. Upon leaving the retail side he is currently a programmer and consultant to businesses. He also works with individuals helping them solve their computer problems. With his broad experience he truly joys is helping others solve their problems and make the computer less of a demon and more of a friend.

Repair Windows Registry Errors With These 3 Simple Tips

Your windows registry is a complex system that holds specific files and all the information and commands that are required to have the computer run smoothly. Every time that you create a file, Windows sends information about that file to its registry.

It is a database of important settings for the operating system, such as software and user settings. Errors and unwanted entries in the Windows Registry can lead to sluggish performance and frequent errors and crashes. Over time it can accumulate obsolete files and unnecessary information causing the computer performance to decline as a result several software problems that causes your system to freeze and crush.

The registry is being altered each time you install or remove programs and is such an important part of your computer system. With regular use of window registry keeps growing, and will attracts unnecessary information that will make the system cluttered.

Here are 3 simple tips to help you detect and repair registry errors:

1. If your computer is running slow

If your computer is running slow you may have problems with your registry, although it is important to point out that you should check for other possible causes such as spyware and adware and also the dreaded virus. If this comes out clear after running the relevant scans, you can be sure that one of the primary causes is problems with your registry.

2. Run a free scan to locate the registry errors.

Run a free scan which is offered by the top registry cleaners.It allows you to view the errors that exist in your registry and then decide if you want to go ahead and purchase the software. Again the top registry cleaners always offer a money back guarantee.

3. To fix the registry errors, automatically run the window registry cleaner

If the scan actually reveals a numerous number of system errors, the logical next step is to run the windows registry cleaner. This are simple to use and if you can use a mouse you can use the top registry repair cleaner. You can do this manually but this this highly inadvisable because you have to be very sure what files you delete because it might affect the workings of an extremely important application that you use daily.

Michael J Brooks

Run a FREE Registry Scan Repair Now
To Fix Your Computer by visiting:

Technological Equipment and Software Financing

In today's competitive business scenario it is very important to stay abreast of the best of technological advancements, essentially, those dealing with computer peripherals and relevant software. Technological or computer software comprises of new computer system, routing software and safety equipment.

These gadgets are often steeply priced and so it helps if someone provides the capital for the technological gadgets and computer software. However such specialized technological tools and software may not find their sponsors. This is owing to the lack of knowledge about these equipments and the business idea behind them. Therefore someone proficient in computer hardware and software has to impart the know-how on these tools. And it is not difficult to procure such technologies once you have the backing of some authentic sponsors.

There are a range of computer peripherals and software to choose from. Therefore the ways in which the financial institutions help with capital are various.

1) Audio visual equipment companies need their relevant tolls that are used in the business. Companies that are involved in mass communication deal in such equipments. The high price tags of these gadgets often require financial assistance.

2) Safety and security equipment forms the top priority when it comes to technological spending. It involves products like safety alarms, burglar alarms, fire safety alarms, metal detectors, closed circuit TV, motion detector and likewise. These are essential for maintain security in the offices and also homes. But its astronomical price deters individuals from floating such business. And hence there is the need for financing safety and security gadgetry.

3) Modern day businesses rest on the mighty shoulders of telecommunications. It is due to this technology that lots of companies could be incubated in campuses across the world. It has bridged the gap between production and the management. Sound and systematic communication is possible with the latest of technology in telecommunications. Offices are up o date with the latest of technologies like broadcasting equipment, multiplex equipment, telephone system and transmitting gadgets. But a ubiquitous high price bars these technologies from reaching small and medium scale businesses. Telecommunications funding gives them the chance to float such ventures.

4) Computer peripherals are essential for surviving in today's business environment. So, most companies source such products. The data storage equipment, server, workstation are the must haves of businesses these days. But their configuration keeps changing from time to time. So hardware up gradation is a must to stay competitive. Therefore technological and software funding provides the necessary oxygen in these ventures.

5) Your business will also function smoothly only with the help of latest software. But conservative lenders would not allow their money to be used to source software. But the fact remains that businesses require various kinds of software like accounting software, ecommerce software, manufacturing software and CAD software. Infact every company runs on software. Therefore some financial institutions realize the value of software and offer them assistance.

Since, the process of technological and software equipment funding is smooth and hassle free, therefore, it's ideal for small and medium scale companies to apply for such funding assistance.

Chris Fletcher's page features more about new and used Technological Equipment and Software financing and other finance topics.

Vista Freezes - Help, Windows Vista Freezes Up and I Can't Fix It

Are you asking yourself why Vista freezes? Does it feel like Vista freezes up randomly? Or perhaps it is when you run a specific program or execute a certain action. Whatever the case, dealing with a computer freezing up can be quite annoying. Sometimes you are typing up a important document which is seemingly lost forever. Other times you can be playing a game when a computer freeze wipes everything out.

There are a few major symptoms of Windows Vista freezing. They include:

? The mouse locks up and you cannot seem to move it again.
? Your computer completely freezes up and you have no choice but to perform a manual reboot as alt/control/delete doesn't even work.
? Your computer shows a Windows blue screen (aka blue screen of death) and automatically restarts.

While your problems can be different, these are the major symptoms of Vista freezes. But the causes of all of them are the same - errors in the Windows Vista registry.

The registry is the most vital and sensitive area of your computer. It contains the information to run all software and hardware on your system. When there are registry errors it causes a breakdown in the computers ability to communicate. When the computer cannot communicate, Vista freezes.

In order to fix Vista freezing, you need to download a program which will clear out these errors. Not only will it stop computer freezing, you may notice it will also speed up your computer considerably. Try it out and scan your computer for free below.

Sick of your computer freezing up? Want to repair computer errors the easy way? Scan your computer for free and fix corrupt registry problems with the #1 registry cleaner on the internet. After scanning your computer, I promise you will be quite surprised by all the errors on your system.


Jim Marshall is a computer technician expert with over 15 years in the industry. He has an intimate knowledge of the windows registry and various register repair software. After testing some of the top registry cleaners on the market, he has created a comprehensive review site that details his findings.

Invest Money Sensibly to Buy Smart Security Applications

You can find a number of software on the net which you can buy or can also use them for free, but for a security conscious person money doesn't matter if he can get the best application for his system to secure his computer and data which is more valuable than money.

Now day's security threats have increased a lot disturbing people and causing them their system crashed or data loss. Investing money is not a big problem but to invest money sensibly is the main thing, no one wants to waste their money earned with great hard work on buying many software just to make secure their computer secure.

This article will help and guide those who have money but don't know how to invest it to buy something really useful for their computer.

Computer and data security has always been the core issue for all the computer users. They use to download free security software or buy them to make their system secured from security breaches and threats, but why to waste money to buy many security applications instead you use a single program that can secure your system and data also.

The main idea of this article is to develop a sense among people that they should invest money sensibly in buying security software for their system. You should have limited security software on your system instead of just filling it and in the end your system gets crashed. I would recommend that you should have few and efficient security applications on your system, anti virus and anti spy wares, anti hacking and data security software.

These software are the major and the most important applications which are a must for your system especially for those who use internet because all the viruses, spy wares and hackers use to attack your system through internet.

These software are a little bit expensive but they are really reliable in securing your computer and your data from being affected by viruses or being hacked by hackers. Use your money intelligently while buying these products, investigate thoroughly and also search net to know the reputation of that particular product you want to buy. Don't waste money in such products which instead of securing your system, just destroys it and also causing you your valuable data loss.

Want to Password Protect USB? Try Folder Lock!

Totally Free Spyware Removers Available

When it comes to looking for PC security tools for your personal computer the reality is that there certainly are free totally free spyware removers available on the web but sometimes their legitimacy can be brought into questioned. Personally I have never been a great fan of totally free spyware removers or any other security tools which are free and this is simply because many of them are bugged with trojans or viruses which infect and damage a computer once installed.

It sounds like a surprising thing to say but the reality is that more and more people download these rogue security tools on a daily basis and they more than often end up doing things which they should not. Now spyware infections don't quite have the same reputation as the viruses, trojans and worms which are notorious for their abilities to delete hard drive information or reformat systems but pose an equal threat because they can steal information. That's right, spyware is tracking software which monitors and captures as much information about your activities and system as it can which it then transmits to others over the web for advertising purposes.

To make matters worse, these pieces of software are also able to retrieve any financial or personal website login details which might be on your computers' hard drive. You can only imagine what could happen if this information gets into the wrong hands. PC security has become very important these days and even though there are totally free spyware removers available one is highly recommended to choose paid spyware removers because they offer critical updates, great support and most importantly great stability.

Xoftspyse is one such spyware remover program which continues to receive much popularity for its ability to eliminate infections and is used by many thousands of computer users today. Download and scan your system with the latest version by visiting the link below.

Removing Zlob Spyware From a Computer

The dangers posed by the Zlob spyware range from slowing down your system by eating up its resources to rendering it unusable as it will often hijack your browser and lead it to virus laden websites. Removal is therefore essential.

One of the reasons why getting rid of the Zlob spyware can be hard is that you will not know that it is in your PC until it starts slowing your system down. When you begin to suspect that the spyware is in your computer, there are a number of things that you can do.

Owing to the different types of Zlob spyware out there, the ways and means of deleting them also vary. The first step is to go to the Add/Remove programs in Windows and look for the program there. If it is on the list, click remove. In some cases that will be enough.

If you reboot the system and still experience the symptoms, chances are the Zlob spyware is still there. If this happens, you should go to the Run option in the Start Menu and type "taskmgr". Click "processes" and uncheck any files named msmsgs.exe or nvctrl.exe. Reboot your computer and run a few programs to check if the Zlob spyware has disappeared.

If the problems persist, chances are the Zlob spyware still has a few DLL files installed. To remove them, go to Windows Explorer and click search and type uimcu.dll, dtjby.dll and antzozc.dll. Once they appear in the results box, select and delete them. Use shift plus delete to permanently remove them from your PC.

For good measure, erase any other Zlob spyware from the Windows Registry as well. Click the Start Menu, and go to the Run option. In the dialog box, type "regedit" and hit enter or click "ok". Once the Registry Editor opens, look for any of the dll files mentioned earlier and delete them. If there is a folder called Zlob, delete it too.

These steps should get rid of any Zlob spyware in your computer. To lessen the instance of this happening, you should install an anti spyware program and antivirus software. A lot of these applications are free and regularly updated so there is really no excuse for not having one. Also be careful when you open any email attachments or downloading software without scanning the file first.

Another step you can take to lessen the damage that Zlob spyware and others like it can inflict on your system is to perform a regular backup. Doing this will make it easier for you to reinstall the programs in case the need arises. Of course, it is also important that you have the CDs so that you can restore the software quickly. However, do not make the mistake of backing up files on a hard disk that is infected with spyware or viruses as this may affect the ones on your backup disc too.

The important thing to remember when you realize that the Zlob spyware is in your system is not to panic. By simply following the steps outlined above, you will have no problems eliminating this threat from your personal computer.

Peter Garant is a computer expert and Internet security consultant and has written many articles such as Zlob Info and Trojan Horse Virus Info for Tech FAQ web site.


The Importance of Windows Registry Repair

Windows registry repair is vitally important. Your computer's performance and quality depends on its registry. If it is messed up, then your computer will be sub par at best. At worst, it will be nothing but a big, expensive center piece, sitting uselessly in the middle of your desk. The registry is one of the most important aspects of any and every computer, especially those which run on Windows. If it is cluttered or full of programs, your computer will ultimately follow suit.

Registry repair is crucial. Many things can cause problems in your registry. A lot of computer owners make the mistake of thinking that their anti virus programs, firewalls, and anti spyware programs are all they need to keep their computers safe. Now, it is true that these applications are more than beneficial. They are necessary. However, they are not all powerful. They are definitely not all you need to keep your computer running properly. You see, some malicious programs, applications, and so on, can slip past your scanners. They can slip right through the nooks and crannies and end up in your registry.

If your registry needs repaired, you will definitely know it. Your programs may begin running very slowly. Some of them may not run at all. Still others may just be wrong. There can be something wrong with the way they function. Your computer itself will suffer the effects as well. For example, if you notice that it takes your computer longer and longer to boot up when you turn it on, then your registry may definitely need repaired. If you do not deal with this problem as soon as you notice it, you should be prepared to suffer the consequences. More often than not, your computer will stop booting up altogether. Now, no one needs that. You can thus see the importance of a good registry repair program.

For more help with your Windows registry repair check out these Windows registry repair reviews.

Computer Spy Software - Watch Everything Your Kids Do on the Computer With Spy Software

The computer and the internet are two tools that can provide you with a lot of benefits and tools that can make your everyday life a little easier to live. Because of the benefits that the internet and the computer provide, almost every household in the United States today is connected to the World Wide Web.

However, convenient as the internet may be, it is also a place where it can be very dangerous for your children. Although they can use the internet for doing researches and homework, it is also a place where they can freely surf the internet for any types of information. You need to remember that adult websites is just one click away.

In fact, statistics have fond that the average age of first exposure to pornographic materials in the internet is 11 years old.

Although they won't be able to access most adult websites, your children will be able to preview some of the pictures available.

You also need to remember that computer sex offenders are also using the internet to find and meet their potential victims. Usually, they can do this by just logging on instant messenger chat rooms. Because these criminals think that their instant messages are not monitored, they constantly look for their victims in the internet.

Normally, they first befriend their potential victims and after gaining their trust, they will arrange a face to face meeting that most teenagers agree to. The internet is also a place where your kids might get harassed. There have been cases where the child's parents have suffered from identity theft because of the information that their children gave away to some stranger they met in chat rooms.

Usually, these cyber predators seduce their would-be victims by showering them with attention, kindness, and sometimes, they even give their would-be victims gifts. After gaining their trust, they usually engage in sexually explicit conversations.

As you can see, this is why you should monitor your child's internet activities by installing computer spy software in the computer they use in your home. With it, you will be able to effectively monitor what your children have been doing online. By effectively monitoring your child's online activities, you will be able to intervene when things are going wrong for your child in the internet. You will be able to stop any suspicious activities even before it starts.

Spy software is a unique type of program that can effectively monitor a computer every time it is turned on. What this software does is take snapshots of the monitor and save it in the computer hard drive. It will also be able to record every key that is pressed on the keyboard, and it will also record every website that is visited.

Some computer spy software can also automatically send all the recorded pictures, and logged keystrokes to your email. This means that you will be able to monitor your child's activities even when you are working in your office or you are away on a business trip or vacation.

So, if you don't want your children and also your family to become victims of harassment and identity theft, then you might want to install a spying software program in the computer your children uses in your home. With this, you will be able to stop any bad situation from becoming worse.

To Read Expert Reviews of the Best Parental Control Software and Computer Spy Software, Visit the Monitoring Software Review Guide Today at http://monitoringsoftwarereviews.net

Wrap 2D Images Onto a 3D Object Using Adobe Photoshop CS4

Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based drawing program created to assist any user in editing with greater effects for the image. Similar to Adobe's Photoshop, Illustrator uses a vector-based program instead of using a bitmap-based program such as Photoshop. Many users do not understand the difference between bitmap and a vector-based program, so here it is. A bitmap image-processing program is ideally used for creating, modifying, and then outputting digital images of any type of photography/ graphic.

Though Adobe Photoshop contains many tools and various abilities to create, edit, and output wonderful images, the tools are nothing compared to that of Illustrator's. Typically, users purchase Adobe Photoshop for digital photography editing while Illustrator is purchased for creating images and graphics. Both can be used for each other's purposes and will do each other's job; yet they are specified for their abilities. It is recommended to purchase both instead of using Photoshop for Illustrator's purposes. Top new features for the CS4 version of Illustrator include the new transparency in gradients. This feature gives the user the ability to reveal underlying objects and create a richer color and texture when mixing multiple layers then covering them up with fades.

Following this there is a Blob Brush tool which will allow you to sketch with a brush then allow it to generate a clean vector shape which will even show the overlapping strokes. This will allow a smoother finish towards the end of your project. Refined Graphic styles will allow you to combine styles for unique looks, which will not disturb the object's current experience. Through this you may use an In-Panel editing tool which will give you access to editing tools directly onto the appearance panel, eliminating the necessity of opening fill in/ stroking/ or other tools which require more RAM (Random Access Memory) for opening. Overall, that feature will give the user the ability to finish quicker and run Illustrator more efficiently.

- www.trialversiondownload.com

How Can I Fix My Computer? Very Slow Start Ups and Other Problems Are Too Common Now!

Recently, I got an email from someone who asked me "what is wrong with my computer? Very slow start ups and shut downs are now the norm. And when the PC is actually working, the applications take forever to run. I often see that stupid white box in the corner of the screen. And sometimes, it freezes and even crashes."

I had the same problem with my computer. Very slow start ups and all of the other problems that this person emailed me about were very familiar to me. I was just so frustrated that my computer was not running better, but I did not know what to do about it. Someone told me to increase the memory, but I was looking for something a little cheaper. (And it turns out, the memory was not even the problem) So I did a search online for how to fix a slow PC, and I found out about registry cleaners. So I got a registry repair program, and it did wonders for my computer.

What is the registry? It is the database that regulates all of the applications on your computer. But eventually, this registry is going to get cluttered with a lot of junk and this will affect all of the applications on the PC.

When you get a registry cleaner, it will scan your registry for problems and then list them for you, letting you get rid of these files if you wish. And, it will keep future registry errors away.

What is wrong with my computer? Very slow start ups and other problems are now common. But you can easily fix it. Go to http://www.registryrepaironline.com for a FREE SCAN to see what needs to be fixed in your industry

Regcure Scam - What You Need to Know About Registry Cleaners Exposed

I am sure you have heard all about it, the Regcure Scam. After reading various online reviews done by different websites and individuals, I was quite convinced that many people dislike Regcure and believe it to be a scam. A great majority of the people who did the review complained mostly about the fact that software does not do good with removing errors, however, Regcure is not an Anti-spyware software and neither is it an Anti-virus although many people seem to think otherwise.

What it is designed to do, actually, is to optimize and fix various registry errors and it does that job rather well too. In fact, other people who have tried it, and know for a fact that its sole purpose is to do the job of a registry cleaners, think of it as one of the best out there. Although Anti-spyware and Anti-virus softwares are mandatory, Regcure is still able to repair some of the errors that might have been caused by those two malicious softwares. ?

Registry cleaners are not supposed to function as an Anti-virus and neither is it supposed to do the job of an Anti-spyware. Basically, what people need to know and understand is the fact that the Regcure scam is nothing but a misinterpretation of the original purpose of the software. The so-called Regcure scam is in itself a sham because as far as many people are concerned, scams are things that do not live up or do as they had first promised. Regcure does what it is supposed to do and does it really well too.??

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Jing Project Review

Jing Project is a new development from TechSmith which is the same company behind the very popular screen capturing software, Snagit. Jing is another screen capture utility which is basically a "print screen" button which can take and save screen shots for you. It's available as a freeware and perhaps the main reason for this is so that TechSmith can market its screen cast hosting services. Jing itself incorporates the ability to upload the screen shots you take directly into TechSmith's hosting services. Since we are doing a review of this product, let's start with the Cons. Many people seem to dislike the unfriendly interface of the software and although it's cute, many think that it's rather hard to use and understand. It also only supports two photo formats which are SWF and PNG. It also does not have that many options such as the timer, filters for adding effects to the images and a free form selector.

Of course, there are plenty of other screen capture utilities out there and you might wonder why you should choose the Jing Project. Well, here are a few reasons why you should consider downloading it. You can get it for free as it is only a beta version and a test project. TechSmith might be considering charging for its use in the future, though. It also has the ability to take great screenshots and the direct upload to screencast hosting provided by TechSmith. Lastly, it supports Windows XP and Vista as well as Macintosh OS X. If you are looking for a utility that would help you capture stills from your favorite movies or videos and want it for free, then Jing Project might be a good choice for you.?

Want A Faster Computer Without Spending A Penny... And In Only 9 Minutes?

For a limited time, you can claim the "Internet's Best Kept Secrets" Report absolutely FREE! Click Here: Speed up my computer - http://Speeding-Up-Your-Pc.com

Understanding and Use of a Good PDF Editor

Portable Document Format, which we all call pdf for short, was created by Adobe systems in 1993. This file format makes the reading and navigation of a document or virtual booklet very easy. If you've read what usually call to today as an e-book, then you have had a first hand experience with pdf files. With the pdf file format one can make a paper as a complete package that is jam-packed with more available information.

With the pdf file format's rise to become today's standard for printable web documents pdf editors have become a necessity. Yesterday's Acrobat Reader, which is now known as the Adobe Reader, only allows you to read pdf files and not edit them. If you want to publish or edit your work you need to have a working pdf editor.

Pdf editors allow you to work on your pdf files more than just being able to read them. They allow users to add comments, edit existing pages, add bookmarks, add images and other objects to your pdf files, and customize your user interface. These editors also allow you create and modify document outlines, add and modify security features, highlight sections of your work, and optimize your e-paper.

Unfortunately, though the Adobe Reader is free, a pdf editor is not. As the years went by, and several pdf file formats were released, various versions of Adobe Acrobat came around. Acrobat is the pdf editor released by Adobe, which comes with a price. Of course, since the goal with the pdf file format is mobility and the ability to create and edit pdf files independent of the original environment the file or paper was created, free pdf editors have become the natural response to this demand.

One of your options when you're looking for free pdf editors is to go for free trial ones. There are a number of options when you search for software such as these on an online search engine. Free trial editors allow you to try their many features without any obligation to buy them.

Of course, there are restrictions to the software's use if it's only on free trial. You can take advantage of their full features only if you purchase the complete software. You can be sure that the question of which editor is the best has been asked more than once. The answers may be varied and sometimes it all comes down to software usability, its features, and the user's preference.

Here are some of the editors that have free trial versions that you can try before buying the real thing. A professional type of editor is MicroAdobe Pdf Editor that allows you insert hyperlinks, edit fonts, and add and remove pictures.

VeryPDF allows you to manipulate pdf files like other popular editing software. It also allows you to convert pdf files other than editing them. One of the most popular editors out there is the one from Foxit. It allows you to edit pdf files as if they were text files, which makes it really easy to use. However, those who are looking for really free pdf editors can try open source software.

Pdf editors have become a necessity since pdf files have become today's standard for printable web documents. There are many free trial editors you can download and try. You also, of course, have the option to try open source software or popular editors that come with a price.

Peter Garant is writing online editing and article preperation articles as well as basic office software techniques and uses for both a PDF Editor Info Site as well as a Info Site on how to Convert Word to PDF.

An Overview of Free DVD Burning Software

One of the great things about the Internet is that you do not have to shell out a lot of money to get working applications especially those related to DVD. If you are looking for some free DVD burning software, the following may be worth looking into.

CD Burner XP Pro

This free DVD burning software can be used to read and write several formats, including popular ones like CD R, CD RW, DVD R, DVD RW and is also equipped to record ISO files. The software can also be utilized for burning songs quickly and without any problems or glitches.

The CD Burner XP Pro can be run with Windows 2000, Me, XP and Vista.


The DeepBurner actually comes in two types; the pro version has to be purchased, but the freeware is more than capable of handling basic tasks. The free DVD burning software has support for DVD-R/RAM, DVD R, CDR and CD RW. The software can run on a variety of Windows OS, including XP and Vista.


This free DVD burning software has support for a large number of files. Aside from the common files like CD R, CD RW, DVD R and DVD RW, this free DVD burning software can support Blu Ray and HD DVD. You can also view ISO, BIN, GI, NRG, DI and many more. It can be used in various Windows operating systems, from the newest ones like Vista and XP to older products like ME, NT, 98 and even Windows 95.

The AVS Disc Creator

This free DVD burning software is one of the few that can record your files using the Blu Ray discs. In addition the AVS Disc Creator can read and write into a variety of file formats, including DVD+/-R, Double/Dual Layer DVD, CDR, CD RW, BD-R, and BD-RE among others. The manual comes with several languages, including English, Spanish, Italian and French.

The AVS Disc Creator can be used with Windows 2000, XP and Vista.

Final Burner

Like the DeepBurner software, this one comes in both free and shareware versions. The free DVD burning software allows you to record files, music and pictures onto CD R, CD RW, DVD R/RW, and DVD DL. This application can be used in Windows version 2000 and up.

If you are going to download other free DVD burning software, you should check out not just the requirements, but also their websites. A lot of these applications release bug fixes and updates regularly, so you should check it out as often as you can. This will help you avoid any potential problems and complications.

Checking online reviews of these applications will be a great help in determining their qualities and drawbacks too.

The sheer number of free DVD burning software available on the Web will make it easy for anyone to get all the files that they want on their discs without worrying about the price they are paying for it. With their popularity increasing, expect more of these freebies to come out.

Peter Garant writes computer information and software articles such as Free DVD Burning Software and how to Convert AVI to DVD for Tech FAQ web site.

Free PDF Editors - A Quick & Easy Guide

The popularity of the PDF format has made it essential for a lot of computer users to have a program that can view and edit these files. If you are looking for free PDF editors, there are actually several that you can try out.

For those who are unfamiliar with the file, the PDF stands for Portable Document Format, and was developed by Adobe. What makes this so popular is that not only can it store plenty of information, but it is also recognized by a wide variety of programs and operating systems, making the transfer of data easier.


The VeryPDF editor allows the user to perform various editing tasks, especially when it comes to modifying texts. You can add and remove words, format them in different ways, and more importantly, this free PDF editor allows you to add your own comments. This feature is very useful so you can keep track of your thoughts and ideas while working on a project.

Bluebeam PDF

The Bluebeam PDF software provides you with several ways of adjusting and modifying your texts and images. Like a word processor, you can align the texts in various ways, and you can zoom in or out with ease. Copying and pasting text from the clipboard is also possible. Even better, this free PDF editor allows you to save your .txt and .doc files as .pdf, so editing will become easier to do.

Foxit PDF Editor

This free PDF editor has all the essential features you could ask for, such as the formatting of text and pictures, and the ability to insert hyperlinks with ease. There are also the other functions like zooming in and copy and paste. With its easy installation, using the software is a breeze.

MicroAdobe PDF Editor

This free PDF editor is one of the most powerful in the market, but it is also very easy to use. Apart from simplifying such tasks as inserting hyperlinks, and picture images, you can also change the background features. There are also several options for those that want to alter the fonts as well as the texts.

Obviously there are more free PDF editors out there which you can try out. First though, ask yourself exactly what you need. For example, you may only need a simple editor right now, but it might be better off if you download a free and full featured one because you will never know when your requirements will increase. It is better to have features that you are not using now instead of looking for and downloading one.

When you have installed a free PDF editor, always check out its website for updates. These applications are being constantly upgraded and by installing these components you will be able to run the programs more smoothly.

With these free PDF editors, there is no need to worry about trying to find the right software to read that email attachment you were sent, or the file you just downloaded. Now you can write, edit and manage these files with ease.

Peter Garant writes writing software and office software articles such as Free PDF Editor Info and Create a Free Printable Flyer for Tech FAQ & Info Site.

Photoshop - Not For Beginners?

Whether you want to take your digital photography to the next level, create stunning visual designs or create original works of digital art, there is only one computer program that everybody's talking about; Adobe Photoshop.

Do you want to remove those ugly power lines from your otherwise perfect nature shot? Do you want to add Uncle Jim into the wedding photographs because he couldn't make it? How about seeing what your bedroom walls would look like in a different colour before you go out and buy the paint?

If you can think of it, Photoshop will let you do it. It is the industry standard image editing program that that you can use at home.

Some common uses of Photoshop:
? Remove scratches, tears and stains from old scanned in photographs
? Add text to photographs
? Correct the lighting and colours
? Add or remove people and objects to or from your photographs
? Apply stunning filters and effects to your photographs
? Give your best friend's wife a beard

Ok the last one's a silly example but can be easily done!

After installing and opening up Photoshop you're confronted with an understated blank screen featuring a menu along the top and a toolbar down the side. There's no indication of where to start and because it's made for professionals you probably won't recognise a lot of the commands if you look through the menus.

While it has enough features to keep the professionals happy, it also has a learning curve to match. It's not the kind of program you can just dive into and pick up easily, if you're going to get anywhere with it without getting completely frustrated, you need someone to show you the ropes. Read on for tutorial recommendations.

After learning just the basics you'll be amazed at Photoshops power, and you won't have even scratched the surface of what it's capable of. Some of the things you'll learn to do will simply knock your socks off and in no time at all you'll be known amongst your friends as a photographic genius!

Photoshops true power comes from the interaction between its features. A lot of the more advanced effects can be achieved by combining numerous fairly basic procedures, giving rise to almost limitless creativity, not just in terms of photograph manipulation but in terms of image production from scratch.

Students, professional designers and photography enthusiasts who have got to grips with Photoshop don't know how they lived without it. It's one of those seemingly magic programs that you couldn't have conceived before seeing it!

It cannot be stressed strongly enough that you get some kind of training in Photoshop to avoid disappointment. One to one real life teachers are extremely expensive because they are professionals and are quite few and far between.

The best way to learn Photoshop is from a recommended, trusted, tried and tested source. Tutorial videos by professionals that you can follow along at your own pace are the fastest and easiest way to unlock Photoshops secrets. Follow the link at the end of this article to see one of the current best selling tutorial products that guarantees to teach you everything you need to get started!

Have fun with Photoshop, don't give up on it, put in the effort and you'll reap the rewards. It's a huge program but you shouldn't be intimidated by it. Follow the link below to learn how to get started with a product that will blow you away!


Adobe Photoshop - The Basics

This guide will show you the steps involved for basic image editing, using Adobe Photoshop.

  1. Open Adobe Photoshop
  2. Click on the 'File' menu, then select 'Open' and browse for the image file you wish to work on.

Cropping an Image

  1. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (Square dashed line) in the top left of the Tools Palette draw a box around the area of image you would like to keep.
  2. Click on the 'Image' menu and select 'Crop' to remove the unwanted area from the picture.
  3. If you are unhappy with the result you can click on the 'Edit' menu and select the 'Undo' option to go back a step. Ctrl+Alt+Z will take you back further steps.

Resizing an Image

  1. With the appropriate image open and cropped (if necessary) you can resize the image by clicking on the 'Image' menu and selecting 'Image Size' to open up the image size window.
  2. Here you can choose the new size for your image, in pixels, for use on your website. Keep the 'Constrain Proportions' option ticked to stop your image becoming stretched. Click 'OK' to resize your image once you have chosen your size.
  3. To preview how your image will look on-screen, select the 'Zoom Tool' (Magnifying Glass Symbol) in the tools palette and click the 'Actual Pixels' button in the top toolbar under the menus. This will set the Zoom level to 100% so your image will be show at the same size as it will appear in a web browser.Again, if you are unhappy with the result you can click on the 'Edit' menu and select the 'Undo' option to go back a step.

Saving an Image

  1. Once you have prepared your image, to save it click on the 'File' menu and select 'Save for web.'
  2. The 'save for web' preview window will open, where you can select the optimisation settings for your image and preview the result (under the 'optimised' tab.For the majority of photographs, using the preset settings 'JPEG High' or 'JPEG medium' will be fine. You can select a preset from the drop-down menu located under the 'OK' 'Cancel' and 'Output Settings' buttons on the right hand side.
  3. As you change the settings, the image in the preview window will change. The higher the quality setting, the larger your file size will be, taking longer to download. Smaller files however, will lead to poor quality, blocky images if too low a quality is chosen.
  4. Once you have selected the optimisation settings that you are happy with, click 'OK' to save your file under a suitable filename. This command is similar to using 'Save As' and will not overwrite your original file as long as a different name or
    folder is used.
  5. If you are creating product images for your online store, it is always best to resize and save your product image first, then prepare your product thumbnail.

Chris Ward is the Design Manager at BF Internet. Established in 1996, BF Internet are a UK Web Design company offering creative design and online solutions for business start-ups, SMEs, corporate clients & major high street brands. See http://www.bfinternet.co.uk for portfolio, more details and a free consultation.


Good Spyware Removal Tool - Finding the Best Software to Catch Those Snoopers

Even though you may think you have installed a good spyware removal tool, it may be of some benefit to test your conclusions. Among other things, if you don't run some basic tests, your computer may become a valuable resource to all kinds of snoopers. Fortunately, finding out if you have a good spyware removal tool is not very difficult.

Researching Spyware Detection Programs

Chances are, if you do a web search on the name of the program you are using, you are bound to find a review site. You will want to focus on information that compares your spyware removal tool to other ones. This may include information about advanced scanning features that your program does not have. You may even decide that it will be to your advantage to install and run a second program.

Studying .DLL Files

Oddly enough, most spyware will install at least one file in your computer's system directory. Therefore, you can make a list of all the .dll files in this folder, and find out what each one does. If you do a web search, you will find sites that will tell you if the files are associated with malicious content. As may be expected, if your spyware solution does not adequately manage these files, you may want to look for one that does.

Regardless of how much or how little time you spend at your computer, it is important to ensure your privacy remains intact. While anti-spyware programs can help achieve this goal, some are more effective than others. Therefore, it will always be to your advantage to run some tests in order to make sure you have the best spyware removal solution available.

If you want to quickly get rid of spyware permanently all you have to do is Click Here.

Convert SWF to AVI and WMV Free of Cost

If you wish to convert flash videos and audio files to various different formats, there are several free SWF to AVI ? convert to WMV applications you can choose from. If you only need to perform this task at once, might as well take advantage of some trial versions you can find on the internet. You just need to download these applications and run a setup on your computer. Most of these versions merely allow you to perform a few conversions or use the application in a short period of time. After that, the application will prompt you to purchase the product. If you still need to use it and have gotten yourself adapted with its interface, decide on purchasing the product only if the price is right.

Otherwise, you can still find other free SWF to AVI ? convert to WMV softwares you can use for free and in perpetuity. Most of these freewares, however, are not as good as the paid ones. To ensure that you are not wasting your precious time downloading the application, try to find some expert and user reviews.

The first thing you should look for in a free SWF to AVI ? convert to WMV software is its compatibility with most video and audio formats such as WMA, WMV, AVI, MPG and SWF. These formats can run on most media players and devices such as iPod, PSP, and Xbox360. Other than that, you have to make sure that the quality of the files that you have converted is almost the same as their original file formats.

Kris Mainieri is an accomplished Computer Tech focusing on innovative and unique ways to help people take their computing performance to a whole new level free.

For a limited time, you can claim the "Secrets That Most People Will Never Know About Computers" e-book absolutely free Windows XP Tweaks CLICK HERE!

Evidence Eliminator Review - What Makes This Product the Most Powerful Privacy Software

Evidence Eliminator was created by Robin Hood Software, a company which is based in Nottingham, England. My Evidence Eliminator review found that this software product has more features than any other privacy software product that is out there. It is also the most expensive.

My Evidence Eliminator review found that this is not the easiest privacy software product to install. Not difficult, just not as easy as some others. One thing you definitely need to do is read all of the instructions, because this is a really powerful product. In fact, it is so powerful, that if you are not careful, you could end up getting rid of files and programs that you would not want to be without! The one area that you really need to pay close attention to is Outlook Express, because my Evidence Eliminator review found that by default, this program will delete the contents in all non-standard folders of Outlook Express. This software product does have a nice feature that gives you notification before a big amount of files are deleted. Without this feature, you could accidentally delete your entire hard drive!

My Evidence Eliminator review only found one downside to this product, and that is the cost. I found it listed as high as 135 dollars, though I did see it listed for 75 dollars on another website. Still, there is no doubt that this product will completely wipe clean any files or internet history on your computer that you do not want other people to get access to.

Go to http://www.privacy-software-reviews.com for a FREE SCAN from to see what deleted files are still lurking on your PC, plus a full Evidence Eliminator review.

Custom Software Development - A Vital Business Resource

Custom software development is becoming more and more vital as a commerce tool for many different types of business, but what exactly is it, and how can it improve a company's performance?

Custom software development specialists explore exactly what it is a company does - what the necessities of the company are on a day to day basis and what they need from their IT system in order to operate to their optimum. In order to perform efficient functionality, a company would ideally need its software to do exactly what they want it to. And that's where custom software development really gets stuck in.

Off the shelf software packages work perfectly well for some businesses but they can also pose troubles for many users if the package is not specifically geared towards fulfilling a company's everyday business needs. On the other hand, what is the point in installing software within a business which will never be touched and does not aid the functionality of a company?

This is a regular occurrence for many companies who use generically manufactured software as it is very common for software functions to be installed but never ever used. This slows down networks, and clogs up the memory of your computer systems which leads to inefficient performance, not just of your computer network but of the day to day running of a company.

This is where custom software development comes in. Even you are not experiencing noticeable IT problems, a custom software development expert can show your company examples of how similar businesses perform in comparison, and the inefficiencies of your IT system. This auditing service can be extremely beneficial and has proved a successful component of custom software development.

An efficient, easy to use software package will only improve a company's performance, not only with the daily operations, but will also gain competitive advantages when working towards vital long term goals. Custom software development is a cost effective way of getting that competitive edge over rival businesses, especially in the current economic climate where gaining that all important new client is more important than ever before, with such fine margins proving costly as we battle through the recession.

Often with IT solutions, the proof is in the pudding, and this certainly is the case with custom software development as many businesses experience a noticeable improvement in performance almost immediately when introducing bespoke, tailor made software.

There are many custom software development companies specialising in designing and creating user specific, bespoke software packages that will make an immediate impact upon your business operations. By improving the resourcefulness of your computer network, the day to day operations of a business will be able to be implemented more quickly which will improve the long term running of a company no end.

It's time to stop cutting corners by buying off the shelf software when there are experts, with impressive testimonies to back up their credentials in custom software development that can improve the performance of your company's IT systems. A personal service can be offered to you, in order to create the perfect software platform that fits your business like a glove, so follow the herd as custom software development really can be the difference between success and failure in this ever competitive world of commerce.

Shaun Parker is an IT analyst with many years of experience in custom software development. Find out more about custom software development at http://www.mbrit.com

Access Corruption Avoidance Tip #1 - Split Your Database

Microsoft Access is an economical and easy to use database solution for small businesses. However anyone who has used the application as a shared network database knows that corruption can destroy all your hard work. While your Access database training will help, there are several tips that can reduce the chance of data corruption.

The Front End and the Back End

A good practice for a networked Access database is to split the database into two pieces. The front end contains information that users won't change such as forms and reports. The back end holds the actual data. Splitting can be done with the wizard you learned about in Access database training.

The back end should be stored on a secure and shared server. It is the piece that will need to be backed up regularly and most protected against corruption. The front end will need to be archived but since it doesn't change, even if it becomes corrupted it can easily be replaced from the archived copy.

Users can either each have a copy of the front end on individual client computer or they can share a common front end on the server. It should be write protected to minimize the chance of damage.

Speed Up Queries with Temporary Tables

Users often don't realize just how much data is read or written when they query a database. Even people fresh from Access database training are often surprised by how many transactions a nested query takes. For example, a query asking for all December sales in Ohio will first make a table of December sales then from that create a table of all Ohio sales. The problem is each read or write operation is a new opportunity for damage to the database if the system crashes or network connectivity is lost during the operation.

Storing intermediate results to temporary tables has two important benefits to the database. First, it greatly speeds up the query. Second it moves the chance of corruption to the temporary table rather than the main database. Losing temporary data means the user loses the query but can simply send the query again.

Split Out Temporary Files

Once you adopt techniques from your Access database training to use temporary tables, protect the main database further by putting those tables in a separate file. This third piece of the database should be stored on the back end server. Since this piece is the most likely to be corrupted, separating it minimizes the spread of damage to your main database tables. Damage to these temporary tables may have a short term impact on users but this piece can quickly be rebuilt without impacting the overall database.

A few basic "best practices" like these keep your data secure and minimize the chance of catastrophic loss of information. Look for other articles with tips on preventing Access database corruption.

Author is a freelance copywriter. For more information on access database training, visit http://www.MicrosoftTraining.net/.

Access Corruption Avoidance Tip #3 - Stay Connected

Most Microsoft Access training courses demonstrate how to use the database application but may tiptoe around the problem of database corruption. Using Access as a shared resource without understanding corruption is a recipe for disaster. In our latest article on avoiding Access data corruption, we show how important it is to keep your environment stable.

Avoid Wireless Networks

If users are employing their Microsoft Access training to make simple queries but not actually changing information, bad network connections aren't a critical problem. Their access may be slow but there won't be a problem with the database itself. However if users ever write to the database, a dropped connection or network congestion at the wrong time could corrupt important tables.

For this reason, it is strongly recommended that users who will be writing to the database never use Wi-Fi connections. Wireless networks are subject to interference from a number of sources outside of the control of the network administrators and even if they are 99% reliable, that 1% can lead to catastrophic database failure.

If the office needs Wi-Fi for some reason, limit the number of wireless users as much as possible and work to minimize outside interference. Maintain WAN Connections Typical Ethernet connections aren't without their own flaws. While they are more reliable than wireless networks, a faulty switch or cable can create intermittent communication problems that can be hard to spot. These minor faults won't affect web surfing or email but if they occur during a write operation to a database, the damage can be irreparable.

Of course, network maintenance falls outside the typical Microsoft Access training. So often, database administrators depend on the network staff to maintain a good system. However the database administrators can help pinpoint the problem if they notice, for example, a particular user seems to be the source of the corruption. That could indicate a problem in that user's network card or the cable between the client and the hub. UPS Systems Should Be Mandatory Access database administrators find their hearts sink when the lights flicker. That momentary power interruption can cause client computers to shut down and if that happens in the middle of an Access operation, the main database can be lost.

Any user with Microsoft Access training should be using a computer with a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). These units provide enough power to keep a computer running for several minutes in the event of a power failure. This allows the system to be shut down gracefully even in the event of a serious blackout. During minor power hiccups, they switch over so fast that users often aren't aware anything happened.

When network and database administrators work together to create a stable, reliable computing environment, Access will experience far fewer incidents of data corruption.

Author is a freelance copywriter. For more information on microsoft access training, visit http://www.MicrosoftTraining.net/

PHP Helpdesk Software

PHP helpdesk software can make all the difference for your business. You have a great product. You provide a great service. But what happens when one of your customers has a question or something goes wrong with your product or service? Being able support your customers is one of the most important aspects of running a business. Being able to do it quickly and efficiently is a difference between being successful and going out of business. There are many ways that a business can track and manage support for their customers. In the current competitive business environment not having some type of tracking software is not an option.

Choosing the right PHP helpdesk software solution can be a difficult and time-consuming task. One of the greatest challenges you face in product support is helping your customers when they have questions or problems. Managing incoming call volume, e-mail requests and online form submissions can be overwhelming.

Not only that but it can drag your team's productivity down to almost zero. From a customer's point of view one of the most frustrating things is not being able to get your questions answered. Imagine sending an e-mail to the customer support desk and not hearing back for days. If that's the case you're not going to keep that customer for very long.

Using PHP helpdesk software gives you the flexibility to manage multiple streams of input for your customers questions and problems. It gives your customers immediate feedback and you are ensuring to them that their problem has been heard and that their question will be answered. There are many software solutions to choose from. There are a variety of solutions that will meet the needs of most small to mid-size companies and the following information will help you get started in making a decision about the best tool for you and your helpdesk's needs. Read more about several companies that provide top-notch PHP helpdesk software solutions.

An excellent resource for additional information is available at PHP Helpdesk Software. You will find several reviews of premier software providers.

Click here to learn more!

Is Your PC Running Slow? Computer Problems Are Easy to Fix If You Arm Yourself With the Right Tools

Is your PC running slow? Computer problems are really one of the most annoying things to deal with. It is so frustrating when your PC takes forever to bring up applications and web pages, start ups and shut downs seem to take an eternity, you get the dreaded blue screen of death, and your PC freezes up and even crashes. Fortunately there is a remedy for a running slow computer that is inexpensive. I will discuss that in a bit, but first, I want to talk about what causes your PC to bog down in the first place.

All computers that use Microsoft Windows have a database that is called the registry. This serves as the central command center for your PC. It regulates all applications. Whenever you make a command, the registry is accessed. As part of this process, new files are added on an ongoing basis. But because so many new files are added, the registry eventually will get too big, and this ends up affecting all of the other applications on your computer.

But if your PC is running slow, computer problems can be easily fixed with a registry cleaner. It will start by performing a free scan to find all of the corrupt files and invalid entries in the registry. Then, you are given the option of deleting those files. And, the registry repair program will work to keep future errors away.

You should not try to fix registry errors on your own, because it is very easy to make a mistake that could destroy your PC. For only about 30 dollars, you can get thorough registry repair that will keep your mind at ease.

Is your PC running slow? Computer problems can easily be fixed with a registry cleaner. Go to http://www.registryrepaironline.com for a FREE SCAN to see what files are causing problems in your computer

Windows XP Slow Boot

What should you do if you are unfortunate enough to encounter Windows XP slow boot problems?

There are number of things you can investigate, such as by running the "MSCONFIG.EXE" utility that comes built in with Windows. It gives you the ability to configure all of your system's start up options including what programs to boot. Be warned, though, that using this utility requires a somewhat advanced understanding of how Windows works. Through this tool you may be able to systematically isolate the problem and methodically determine what component is the culprit responsible for your Windows XP slow boot problems.

But what if you have already tried this? What if you have already stripped Windows' start up procedure down to the bare bones, by making sure that no non-essential programs or services are being invoked during start up?

Have you tried running an anti-virus scan against your PC? It is not entirely impossible that a computer virus may have infected your system and may have adversely impacted your computer's BIOS, memory, or other components that are responsible for booting up your machine.

Have you tried running an anti-spyware scan against your PC? Similar to a virus, spyware (also known as malware) can infiltrate your system by means of stealth, usually through pop-up advertisements while surfing the Internet. These can also significantly cause severe performance degradation of your overall system, not limited only to start up.

If all else fails, there is one other thing you must check, which is very often overlooked but is surprisingly very often the actual root cause of your Windows XP slow boot problem: Is your Windows registry corrupt? Is it in dire need of optimization and repair? The Windows registry is the master database used by Windows to store information about hardware and software. Over time, it can become corrupted or unoptimized, which can severely slow down your overall system performance.

Very often, simply running a Windows registry scan and repair utility can produce the instant results that you are looking for, and solve your Windows XP slow boot problems once and for all.

Give your PC a free registry scan and you'll be reaping the benefits of a much more stable, more highly optimized, more robust, and much faster operating system!

Boot Up Slow? - How to Improve Your PC's Boot Up Time

Does your Windows PC?generally tend to boot up slow these days?

If your computer seems to be taking what feels like an eternity to boot up, then there are some easy things you can do by yourself to diagnose and remedy the problem.

Isn't it just downright annoying that, it's bad enough that from the time you power up your PC?until you get to the Windows login screen can take upwards of a couple of minutes... but that once you log onto your Windows account, it can take several more minutes for the operating system to fully relinquish control to you, as it finishes running all of its start up scripts, loading your network, and basically letting you click on anything at all, without hour glassing?

Don't worry, folks. This is not normal. So if you have grown accustomed to waiting five minutes or more from reboot to actual computer use, at the mercy of your computer deciding to boot up slow, then rest assured that there is a cure for this problem!

Assuming that you have already checked your computer for viruses and spyware, you have defragmented your hard drive, and you have disabled all non-essential start up programs, services, and device drivers, cleaned up disk space on your machine, and even optimized your Windows virtual memory settings... what can you do if, despite all of these remedies, your computer still tends to boot up slow?

The answer may lie in your Windows registry. Have you tried scanning the Windows registry for errors??When was the last time you optimized the Windows registry?

The Windows registry is your computer's master database repository for all of the critical information about the software and hardware associated with your PC. If this database gets corrupted or becomes unoptimized, this can slow down not only your Windows boot time, but can lead to overall system performance degradation.

Running a Windows registry scanning and optimization utility can lead to a significant performance gain, whereby the fact that your PC?used to boot up slow will become a thing of the past.

Give your PC a free registry scan and you'll be reaping the benefits of a much more stable, more highly optimized, more robust, and much faster operating system!

Is it Really Important to Know How to Choose Metrics Software

It is very important for any company to choose metrics software that will be able to give an excellent assessment of a particular project. For them, choosing the right performance indicator application will usually spell the failure or success of their endeavor. This is often true not only for various institutions but also for us individuals. Every day in our society, we are forced to gauge various aspects of our lives in order to increase the probability of success.

Even with its degree of sophistication and success rate, a lot of people still see the most common fundamental flaw of any application - it is the lack of human element. This is where opinions will differ. Some people find the human element to be a flaw while others find it an advantage. Certainly, the human element is a crucial factor in any endeavor. It is here where the unknown does often happen. Regrettably, people cannot control this single factor so the best option for us is to strive to attain the best metrics we can achieve.

This kind of application is a very important tool in management. In any kind of business or institution, management is always looking for ways to make their business more profitable or their institution more successful. The only way for them to achieve this is by breaking down what they are doing and analyzing them. The right metrics software can help them achieve this and, at the same time, gauge the performance of their institution or company.

Looking for the right metrics program is not that easy. Managers will have to assess what their goals and objectives are. Once they have done that, they will need to make sure that the application they have chosen will fit perfectly their goals and objectives. It would be a complete waste of time, money, and effort if what they choose does not bring them nearer to their goal. Managers also have to make sure that the program they have selected is easily understandable. Why is this important? This is important because the higher level management will have to decimate the said information or application to their lower subordinates. This is the most crucial part in any performance assessment. The importance of teaching your people about the said metrics software is to make all the employees in the company able to know what the objectives and goals are. By doing so, they will be able to tune their individual efforts to the performance indicators.

It is crucial for any organization, whether profit oriented or otherwise, to be efficient and united as possible. Everyone in the organization must work together. It is equally crucial for each one of the individuals working in the said organization to have common goals. You cannot afford for some of your employees to not know the company's goals. It is like inviting catastrophe. This is the main purpose of metrics. It is to identify flaws in the organization. Once those flaws are identified, changes have to be made to make the organization productive and efficient. That is why the question how to choose metrics software is very important.

If you are interested in Choose Metrics Software, check this web-site to learn more about choose metric utility.

The Essence of Finding Document Finder Software

Over the years of using your computer both for personal leisure and for work, you surely must have saved hundreds, even thousands, of files just about everywhere. Good for you if you have a photographic memory, in that it is easy for you to picture out where you saved a particular file so, so long ago. For the ordinary people, who apparently constitute most of the population, there would then be the need to use document finder software.

Word documents, pictures, music files, video files, even programs and software applications, all of these would certainly abound your computer's hard drive. There just might come a time when you need to access a particular file that you saved quite a long time ago. The problem therein is when you do not remember the details of the file. Perhaps you do not remember the filename or the drive where you saved it. Perhaps you do remember the filename, but just a portion of it. Or, it could be that you completely forgot the filename, yet you do know what the content of the file is all about. These are just some of the many possible scenarios that many computer users all over the world commonly encounter. This is definitely why you need to consider installing a document finder application on your system.

But why install one? Why should I not just rely on the built-in search engine that is provided by my operating system? Yes, most operating systems do come with such search engines. Windows certainly does, and so does its Mac counterpart. However, these search engines are not really that easy to use. You see, they do come with filter features but the engines itself would only be very useful if you know the filename or the drive or folder where you stored the file in question. Considering you only know what the file is all about, it would be difficult for the search engine to filter everything just by the content that you type in. What is worse, you might not type in input that is in verbatim when matched with the files stored. This would make it all the more difficult for the search engine to find the file in question. And if time is of the essence, then there would definitely be time wasted here.

Another huge advantage to having this tool is that it is not limited to searching files on your hard drive. In fact, most of the software that you can find in the market can also scour the web for files. Come to think of it, this would be a worthy investment because you have a search engine that can browse your hard drive and the Internet as well all in one. It would be like having your own Google or Yahoo! search engine on your computer!

There are many document finder software applications that you can find all over the Internet right now and most can be bought at minimal prices. Just make sure to go for the ones that are sold by reputable companies and brands. Also, it helps to get software that comes with 24/7 customer service and technical support. You never know when you might need some help, you know.

If you are interested in Document Finder Software, check this web-site to learn more about doc search for filer software.

Find Performance Management Software That's Right For Your Organization

Managers who are serious about implementing a good business intelligence system should strive to find performance management software that would work for them. In today's fast paced business world, the right set of tools to handle large amounts of performance and other employee data can prove invaluable. The use of objective measures often known as metrics and key performance indicators has become common practice among most organizations. This is due to the fact that by being objective and relying on careful monitoring of the actual, day-to-day workings, consistent results can be ensured much more effectively. Contrast this with the old-fashioned "style" of management where managers relied mostly on their guts and their own intuition!

Of course, though, a tool would mean nothing if you do not know how to use it or what to use it for. The beginning for any management approach should be the formulation of a broad strategy for the organization. For the sake of this discussion, we will assume that you are past the planning stage and already have a strategy that you want to implement to manage your organization's operation.

There are specialized software packages available that would provide complete solutions to your management needs. Essentially, if we pare it down to its core components, this software just needs to consist of a couple of parts. One would be, of course, the big database for the data that you are going to be collecting and analyzing. Another would be some interface, usually to be made available on many different computers, for accessing this data and working with it to generate other results such as graphs. Finally, programs that are more sophisticated would probably also include components that provide greater functionality than a normal database. These usually include such things as data analysis packages for computing various statistics, scripting shells for automating various tasks, and so on.

Each of these parts would have their own set of criteria to be effective. Ideally, all of the components should be working as efficiently as possible, but in practice, some kinks are unavoidable but also tolerable to certain extents. For instance, in smaller organizations, the database system does not really need to be able to support millions of records, users, and instances. What they might find more useful instead would be an easy to use, intuitive interface. On the other hand, for large organizations, the database needs to be robust and scaleable, while the interface just needs to be functional, and not anything fancy. The bottom line is, you and your organization should be able to balance costs against what level of functionality you actually need from your software.

Based on the critical parts of your strategic planning, you can more or less pick and choose from among the many programs and utilities available. Simply by implementing this software to help your plan along and making it available to everyone concerned, you should see your productivity and efficiency increase through better management. From sophisticated commercial options to simpler in-house solutions, you should find performance management software that is just right for your organization's needs.

If you are interested in Find Performance Management Software, check this web-site to learn more.

The Bases of Making a JS Comparison

JavaScript, or simply JS, is a language that is used for client-side web development. Despite having a simple nature, it offers a wide variety of technologically advanced functions that enable the user and the developer to experiment on various applications and possibilities in the pursuit of interactivity and usability of Internet-based applications. It was originally created on the basis of many other programming languages, including Java itself. The improvement is that JavaScript is actually easier to use for both programmers and laymen, and making a JS comparison is made even simpler.

Okay, so we have established the fact that JS generally makes a website look more attractive and easy to use. But what must be considered in making comparisons between JavaScript in web-based applications?

This may be more complicated to understand than it really is for the reason that JavaScript can be used for virtually any function that can be done through the Internet. Even human senses have already been duplicated - albeit imperfectly - with the use of programming languages.

The first thing that we probably can consider is the framework that comes with the use of JS. JavaScript exists in a number of versions - all with different capacities and applications. For this purpose, you can make a comparison on the bases of version, the minimum size that is required for it to run in a browser, available licenses, and available demonstrations.

Each version naturally has different features and capacities, not to mention compatibility issues. Also, just because the version appears to be higher does not necessarily mean that it is better. Versions of JavaScript are only designed to answer certain compatibility issues. The variation in the minimum usable size is also for the purpose of compatibility. Generally, a lesser sized application will function better than a larger-sized one for the reason that there are less resources being used, making more resources available for use by the system in other areas. However, all these factors depend on the capability of the operating system and on the expertise of the programmer making use of them. This comparison can be found in the Internet quite easily and you can select that which can benefit you most based on your requirements and preferences.

The effects of JavaScript can also be compared with the use of a simple trial and error test. This way, the programmer can explore all possible angles and applications in order to enhance or limit the capability of an application. Also, the programmer will be able to easily detect errors and bugs that he can fix as soon as they are detected. This makes for advantages in both time and resources. In making a JS comparison on this basis, the programmer is given a more general view of the end result, thus allowing him to plan ahead on what he wants to see in the application, as well as how he wants the application to perform. But in order to make an effective comparison, the person making the same must possess an in-depth understanding of programming languages in order to be able to make the necessary adjustments if needed.

If you are interested in JS Comparison, check this web-site to learn more about JS contrast.